
Monday, December 10, 2012

When you (assuming it's possible and probably been attempted already) clone a person successfully is it an infant grown in a test tube, or a full grown human in a test tube?

If you took somebodies DNA you would be cloning current aged them correct?
So, in theory, you should be able to grow a fully matured person.

Now assuming that you can clone a fully matured person then would their brain be shaped and built exactly the same as present day them?

If said person's brain is exactly the same as their clone then wouldn't memories be pre-built in to the memory of that clone?

Even if the brain of said person's clone was an exact match then could we assume all you would have to do is somehow upload the information like some future organic data device?

If that is possible then could you clone somebody strictly based off of said organic data device?

Could you clone a present day person...?

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